What is the purpose of the Conservation Commission?

The Conservation Commission is charged with the responsibility of protecting wetland resource areas under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act , M.G.L. CH. 131, s.40 and regulations 310 CMR 10.00. The Commission protects eight functions of all wetland resource areas, which are the following:

  1. Protection of public and private water supply
  2. Protection of ground water supply
  3. Flood control
  4. Storm damage prevention
  5. Prevention of pollution
  6. Protection of land containing shellfish
  7. Protection of fisheries
  8. Protection of wildlife habitat

Dredging, altering and filling wetlands are regulated by this law. Wetlands include intermittent streams, riverfront and other areas that may be dry for extended periods of the year. Wetlands can be determined by a wetland scientist or botanist and are delineated through looking at three parameters: soils, vegetation and evidence of hydrology.