Old Colony Planning Council

The Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)

OCPC was established in part to address local challenges that cross city and town boundaries, like air and water pollution, transportation deficiencies, and economic distress. Overcoming challenges like these requires cooperative action and OCPC exists to help facilitate that cooperation and coordination.

Its professional planning staff gather data, conduct research and analyses, and develop regional plans to help improve the social, economic, and environmental conditions of the region. They also advise on development and redevelopment initiatives, and provide comprehensive planning assistance to municipalities, especially when two or more municipalities have common problems.

The OCPC region is a U.S. Economic Development Administration designated Economic Development District. As such, OCPC leads a locally based, regionally driven economic development planning process. They actively engage and collaborate with the public, private, and non-profit sectors to establish and implement an economic development roadmap for the region.

OCPC is governed by the Council, which operates like a non-profit board of directors. Communities in our region are represented on the Council by a Delegate and an Alternate.

OCPC also operates the following:

Old Colony Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

which is responsible for identifying, prioritizing, and addressing transportation needs in OCPC’s region.

Area Agency on Aging (AAA)

which is responsible for establishing a comprehensive, coordinated system of community-based supportive services and nutrition services for elders in OCPC’s region plus six neighboring communities.

Ombudsman Program

which is responsible for identifying, investigating, and resolving complaints made by or on behalf of residents in long-term care facilities in OCPC’s region plus six neighboring communities.

Link: https://oldcolonyplanning.org/

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