Community Shredding/Prescription Drug/Needle/Oil Based Paint, and Large Battery Disposal

Shred and Drug Take Back 20221029
Event Date: 
Saturday, October 29, 2022 - 10:00am to 1:00pm

The East Bridgewater Council on Aging, the East Bridgewater Police Department, the East Bridgewater Fire Department, the East Bridgewater Department of Public Works, and PCO Hope, Inc. welcome residents of East Bridgewater to participate in a Community Shredding, Prescription Drug Take Back, Needle Disposal, Oil Based Paint Disposal, and Large Battery Disposal on Saturday, October 29 from 10am to 1pm at The Center at Sachem Rock, 355 Plymouth Street, East Bridgewater.

The event will be a contactless drop-off. Please remain in your vehicle and wear a mask during the drop-off.

There will be a mobile shredding truck. All shredding will be done on the premises. Paper must be in cardboard boxes or paper bags; no totes or plastic containers.

There will be a safe space to dispose of unused and unwanted prescription medications.

There will be an area for the disposal of oil based paint (not latex paint) along with the disposal of large batteries (cars, mowers).

Needles must be in a sealed plastic container such as a laundry detergent bottle or coffee can. Unused needles can remain in original packaging.