Recycling, Energy, and Food Pantry Drive

Recycling Energy Food Drive July 8, 2023
Event Date: 
Saturday, July 8, 2023 - 10:00am to 2:00pm

There will be a recycling, energy, and food drive on Saturday, July 8 from 10am to 2pm at the Beaver Brook Elementary School, 1 Ralph G Hamlin Jr Lane, Abington. There is a $20 fee per vehicle (fee waived for dehumidifier drop off and/or clothing/food donations). 

The flyer below shows a list of items that can be recycled.

We will also be filling a cruiser with donations to benefit the Abington Food Pantry. Some items that are needed at the food pantry include; food, laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, conditioner, toiletries, toothpaste, toothbrushes and paper goods.

We hope to see you there!