Special Town Meeting - February 20

East Bridgewater Jr/Sr High School
Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 7:00pm

The Town of East Bridgewater will hold a special town meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 beginning at 7pm in the auditorium of the Junior/Senior High School, 143 Plymouth Street. The warrant includes three articles:

  1. ARTICLE 1:  To see if the Town will appropriate $1,700,000, or any other sum, to pay costs of replacing the artificial turf field and track at the Jr/Sr High School, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto; and to determine whether this amount shall be raised by taxation, transfer from available funds, including stabilization funds, borrowing, or otherwise, or any combination of the foregoing; or take any other action relative thereto.

    Requested by the School Department

    ARTICLE 2: To see if the Town will authorize the Select Board to lease or license, for agricultural purposes, a parcel of Town owned property of up to twenty acres on what is known as “Leland Farms,” identified as Map 83, Block 3 and Map 73, Block 3 of the Assessors Plan of the Town of East Bridgewater, and further described in the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds Plan Book 35, Page 1123, as lots 5 & 6, and recorded at the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Book 4240, Page 658, a deed dated February 11, 1977, on such terms and conditions as the Select Board may determine; or take any other action thereon or in relation thereto.

    Requested by the Select Board

    ARTICLE 3:  To see if the Town will reallocate $58,023.00 from 6/5/2023 Annual Town Meeting Article 16 (sick leave buy-back for a retiring firefighter) to Fire Department budget, Line 1-220-511-5140 Cover Sick.

    Requested by the Fire Chief

If you need more information or have questions, please contact the East Bridgewater Selectboard office at 508-378-1601 or email the Town Administrator, Charlie Seelig, at cseelig@eastbridgewaterma.gov